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GloFish Tetra Care Guide | GloFish Care Guide Series Ep. 2

About the GlowFish Tetra

The GloFish tetra is a genetically modified version of the black skirt tetra, also known as the black widow or black tetra.

The black skirt tetra is native to South America and can typically be found in the river basins of Bolivia, Brazil, and Northern Argentina.

These tetras are considered to be a peaceful schooling fish that can be kept in a community tank with other peaceful fish of similar size. However, do be aware that the GloFish tetra is known to sometimes nip at the fins of slower moving fish such as bettas and angelfish, so you will want to keep this in mind when choosing tank mates.

Now because they are a schooling fish, you will want to keep them in groups of 5 or more. Keeping larger schools of these fish can help to lessen the tetras fin nipping behavior.

The average lifespan of these tetras is between 3 to 5 years and they are a smaller fish only getting to be between 2-2.5 inches in size.

Tank Set Up

Due to these fish being schooling fish and very active swimmers the minimum recommended tank size is 15 gallons, although bigger is always better. The GloFish tetras prefer a tank with softer more acidic water with a pH from 6.5-7.5. These tetras do very well in a wide range of temperatures from 60°-80°F, but are most active in temperatures ranging from 70°-80°F.

This species does not care for bright lights and prefer a darker gravel with a few hiding places and plants to make them feel more secure. They are a mid dwelling fish and still need plenty of space for swimming so you would not want to make the tank too densely planted.


These tetras are considered omnivores and are not known to be picky eaters. They will readily accept small foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, and blanched vegetables, along with a high quality tropical pellet or flake food.


The GloFish tetra will reach maturity at around 2 years of age, and are an egg laying species. Males will have a sharper longer fin while the females have a rounder body and their anal fin is significantly wider. Contrary to belief GloFish are not sterile and can breed. While you may breed them in your home aquarium, there is a patent on them, so you will not be able to legally sell the offspring.

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