About the GloFish Betta
With how popular betta fish have become amongst both new and seasoned fish keepers it is no wonder they would become the newest addition to the GloFish brand. Betta splendens already came in almost every color imaginable and now are available in a fluorescent green.
This new variation of the betta has caused quite a stir in the fish community, as many people in the hobby are opposed to this new genetically modified fish. The real problem with these fish is how popular the species is to begin with amongst people new to the hobby, and how much misinformation there is out there.
Betta splendens were originally created over 600 years ago through selective breeding in Thailand from their relatives who lived in small streams and rice paddies. These fish were specifically bred for their aggression to be used for fighting which is why they are also known by their other name, the Siamese fighting fish.
Thanks to all of this selective breeding there are a wide variety of different types of betta fish, from crown tails to veil tails, to marbled and dragon scale and now, of course, we have the newest member, the electric green betta fish.
From what we have seen so far of this new style of betta they seem to have shorter more placket style fins and are a bright fluorescent green, along with clear, purple, or reddish colored fins.
Bettas are very hardy fish and are great for beginner fish keepers, and have an average life span of 3-5 years, although some have lived as long as 10 years with proper care and tank set up.
Tank Set Up
The minimum tank size for the betta is 2.5 gallons, but many would argue 5 gallons is much more adequate. Always remember bigger is better, as smaller tanks tend to require more frequent maintenance than larger tanks.
Bettas are also known for jumping, so you will want to have a tightly fitted lid on your aquarium, to prevent them from leaping out.
Bettas are also very intelligent fish, so you will want to place a fair amount of décor or plants in the aquarium to keep them from getting bored.
Planted tanks are always a great idea when it comes to bettas, as it gives them a more naturalistic, and ever-changing environment.
When you are choosing decorations for your tank, you will want to avoid any décor or substrate that may have any sharp edges, as the bettas fins could get tattered or torn on them.
Bettas are tropical fish, so you may or may not need a heater, as they do best in stable temperatures of between 78-80 degrees.
In temperatures below 78 bettas tend to be less active and if there are any large fluctuations of tank temperatures, or temperatures become too low, this can stress your fish, which could lead to illness.
Bettas do best between neutral to slightly acidic water with a pH between 6.5-7.5, and they prefer slower moving waters, so you will want to choose a low flow filter, or you can modify your filter using a baffle.
Sponge filters tend to be favored amongst fish keepers as they don’t blow the betta around the tanks and are relatively inexpensive.
When setting up your betta’s tank for the first time you will want to cycle the tank before adding your fish.
Cycling the tank will allow good bacteria to flourish that will help aid in taking care of any toxins produced from fish waste. For more information about cycling your tank I will put links to my nitrogen cycle videos in the description box below.
Tank Mates
When it comes to tank mates, bettas don’t really get along with many other fish. Male bettas must be housed separate from each other to avoid fighting and possible injuries, but most females can be kept in sorority tanks.
If keeping a sorority tank, you will want to keep a minimum group of 3 female bettas, as keeping less than 3 you may see more signs of territorial behavior.
Sorority tanks are not recommended for beginner fish keepers, as behavior in the females must be monitored, as some females are just as aggressive as their male counterparts, and the bare minimum tank size recommended for a sorority is a 10 gallon tank.
Having said that, many fish keepers have greater success with a minimum of a heavily planted 20-gallon tank with plenty of hiding places.
As for community tanks, these are also not recommended for beginners, since again, these fish will need to be monitored, along with the tank mates added to watch for problems with aggression and fin nipping.
Common tank mates however are fish such as neon tetras, Corydoras, or nerite snails, but always research the needs of other species as many will require larger tank sizes and have specific care needs that must be met.
Now when it comes to diet, bettas are insectivores, and need a higher protein diet, preferably with no fillers. Brands like New Life Spectrum, Bug Bites, or Ken’s Fish tend to be great for bettas, along with feeding frozen or live foods such as blood worms, tubifex worms, baby brine shrimp, and daphnia.
Bettas do commonly suffer from bloat and constipation from problems with over feeding, feeding low quality pellets or flakes, and not soaking the pellets or flakes before feedings.
To help prevent bloating and constipation you can soak your pellets or flakes in dechlorinated water before feeding. Without soaking the food first, the food can expand in the gut, leading to potential illness.
Unlike many other species of fish out there, male and female bettas are typically kept separate. Breeding bettas can be a complicated process and is not recommended for those new to the hobby. Males and females are typically labeled when purchased online or in stores.
With bettas, males and females are typically equal when it comes to their vibrant colorations, but males are usually slightly larger in size, are more slender, and have slightly longer fins.
Females once they reach maturity will have ovipositor. Fish use the ovipositor to lay eggs; it looks like a small white spot between the pelvic and anal fins.
As with all GloFish though, while you can breed them in your home aquarium, there is a patent on them, so you cannot legally sell them.
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