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GloFish Barb Care Guide | GloFish Care Guide Series Ep. 4 | Tiger Barbs

About the GloFish Barb

If you are looking for brightly colored, playful, energetic fish, look no further than the GloFish Barb.

The glofish barb is a genetically modified version of the tiger barb. Known for its bold black stripes this semi aggressive fish is very popular in the aquarium hobby. These fish are easy to keep and because they are considered to be very hardy fish, they are great for beginners.

The Tiger Barb is native to Borneo, Sumatra, and Malaysia. They are mid dwelling schooling fish that get to be around 3 inches in size and can live up to 7 years if properly cared for.

Tank Set Up

The bare minimum tank size recommended for tiger barbs is 20 gallons, but many hobbyists, including myself, recommend at least a 30-gallon tank, as these fish are extremely active swimmers.

They prefer soft acidic water with a pH between 6 and 7 and can handle a temperature range between 74°-80°F.

Tiger Barbs love a planted aquarium with plenty of decorations such as rocks, driftwood, and ornaments for them to swim around and through along with plenty of open space for swimming.

Tank Mates

Tiger barbs are known for their aggressive fin nipping and bullying behavior. It is recommended they are kept in minimum groups of 5, however larger schools of 15 or more seems to help cut down on the fin nipping.

Because of this behavior they are often kept in a species only tank, or with bottom dwelling fish, such as Corydoras, red tailed sharks, and plecos. Although, they are sometimes kept in community tanks with cherry barbs or rosie barbs.


The GloFish barbs are considered omnivores and will eat a wide variety of foods. A diet including a high-quality pellet or flake food along with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and beef heart, along with blanched vegetables will help to keep these fish healthy and their color vibrant.


When it comes to breeding these barbs scatter their eggs and will eat their eggs if given the opportunity. When it comes to telling the males and females apart, females have a broader, more rounded belly than males and are larger and heavier. Males are easy to spot with their bright coloring and they develop a red nose when ready to breed.

Quick disclaimer though, while you can breed these fish in your home aquarium, because GloFish have a patent on them, you cannot sell them.



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