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Betta Fish Care Guide Summed Up In 3 Minutes

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

Betta fish care

Introduction to the betta fish and basic how to care for the betta fish.

Betta splendens is a great beginner fish that can fit in small spaces. These fish were originally created over 600 years ago through selective breeding in Thailand from their relatives who lived in small streams and rice paddies. They were specifically bred then for aggression to be used for fighting which is why they are also known as Siamese fighting fish, and is why it is advised to keep males separated from one another.

The average lifespan of the betta fish is 3-5 years, but with proper set up, tank maintenance, and diet they can live even longer.

Unfortunately, a lot of betta fish are commonly kept in small bowls, vases, or tanks giving people the impression bettas are not very active. Contrary to belief, these fish can be extremely active swimmers.

For the Betta fish tank set up you will want to have:

Minimum tank size 2.5 gallons (bigger is great)

The smaller the tank, the more frequently you might need to do water changes

If you do not use a filter, and do not have a heavily planted tank, you will need to do more frequent water changes.

Low flow filter (bettas cannot swim well against too strong of a current)

Ideal Temp for bettas: between 78-80 degrees (heater most likely required)

Smooth substrate

Decorations with no rough edges (bettas long flowing fins can easily snag on anything sharp)

Plenty of hiding places (decorations or live plants)

Betta fish are air breathers so air stones are not necessary PH between 6.5 and 7.5

A tightly fitted lid (betta fish are known to jump)

Dechlorinator or water conditioner (to remove chlorine and chloramines)

Bacteria supplement (beneficial bacteria helps to remove toxins from fish waste and any uneaten fish food)

Betta fish Diet

Betta Pellets or flakes (look for high quality protein with no fillers) New life spectrum, bug bites, or kensfish are great brands

Betta fish can suffer from bloat and constipation from over feeding, feeding low quality pellets or flake foods, not soaking the pellets before feeding. To help prevent bloat soaking pellets in dechlorinated water for a minimum of 30 minutes before feeding will help, without doing this the food can expand in the gut leading to potential illness.

Betta fish are insectivores and enjoy a wide variety of live and frozen food items such as

Blood worms Daphnia Brine shrimp

Adult Betta fish tank mates (minimum 10 gallons for this) neon tetras rasboras otocinclus snails ghost shrimp

***Not a good idea for beginners*** Keep an eye on your fish for any potential problems, even “peaceful fish” can sometimes cause problems as well as the betta (watch for any signs of fin nipping, stress in your fish, aggression.)

Tank maintenance

10-15 percent water changes at least once a week while tank is cycling (ideally wait till tank is cycled before adding fish, this process typically can take 4-6 weeks)

15-20 percent as needed based on weekly water testing after tank is established

My Tanks And Favorite Supplies



New Life Spectrum Community Fish Food

New Life Spectrum Betta Fish Food

Omega One Freeze Dried Bloodworms


API General Cure

Malachite Green

**disclaimer** Some of the links above are affiliate links, which means if you buy through them I get a small percentage of the sale. All opinions on products are my own. Thanks for supporting the channel!

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